About Us
Veritas Cables was founded by a group of dedicated audiophiles with backgrounds in the IT and telecommunications industries. It started with the group building a simple DIY tube amplifier for fun, followed by a much more ambitious cost-no-object pair of mini-monitors in which much was learned about woodworking and crossover design. As much fun as those were, neither was made with the intention of actually selling a product, but rather to prove to ourselves what we could accomplish - and of course to see how it compared to commercial designs.
The next project is one which we never saw coming. One of the founders purchased a new AC cable which, while not inexpensive, outperformed several other much more costly (and very popular) designs. After trying this new cable in each of our systems, and hearing a clear difference compared to our reference models, we set out to learn why this might be the case. This spiraled into a multi-year exploration of numerous AC cables, with complete teardowns and modifications in order to figure out where that "magic" came from. Taking inspiration from lessons learned from the power cable analysis, we then ventured into analog interconnects, USB and SPDIF digital cables, and even Ethernet, in a quest to maximize performance without throwing absurd amounts of money into each cable.
The result is a line of cables which we feel outperform anything else in their price class and well beyond. We know this because we've tried nearly all of the competition, and we wouldn't bother offering our own cables if something else did the job just as well.
We never intended to actually sell these cables - this was all done as a passion project to maximize the performance of our own systems, learn some things, and have a bit of fun in the process. But word of mouth spread through our various friend groups and people started asking for custom cables. Demand kept growing and positive feedback kept accumulating until we felt like we should expand our reach beyond just local audio friends. Thus Veritas Cables was born.
Cables, like any other audio component, are generally a mixture of compromises, and the key is to figure out what matters most. Any competent designer should be able to design high performance components if cost is no consideration. Yet it is much more challenging to design excellent equipment while maintaining some semblance of affordability. At Veritas Cables, we aim to offer the most performance per dollar without any unnecessary distractions. No fancy packaging, no hologram stickers, no full page ads in the audio press, just exceptional cables that look and sound like much more than their price would typically justify. We invite you to hear our designs for yourself and find out why we have such high confidence in our creations.